What is the all time high price of Bome coin?
I'm trying to find out the highest price that BOME coin has ever reached. I'm curious to know its peak value.

What is the chp price?
I'm wondering about the current price of CHP. Could you please provide me with the latest information on the CHP price?

What is the target price for XP Inc?
I am interested in knowing the target price for XP Inc. Could you please provide me with this information?

What is the all-time high SLP price?
I'm curious about the historical performance of SLP. Specifically, I want to know what the highest price point has been for SLP since its inception. Could you please provide me with that information?

What is the original purchase price?
I'm trying to figure out the original purchase price of an item. I need this information to understand the value of the item and make some decisions based on it.